Time constant in charging
The time constant is the time taken by the capacitor(uncharged) to acquire 63% of the voltage being applied to it if it starts with zero volt. Equivalently, it is the time taken by a capacitor to acquire 63% of the difference between its initial voltage and voltage being supplied to it.
Calculating the time constant
Time Constant, t=RXC
R=330Ω and C=100µF
Deriving the time constant from charging Curve
If we assume that the capacitor charges at a constant rate, it will add one volt in one second. In practice, this cannot happen. A capacitor adds up more volts in one second. To verify this, we will use experimental observation and plot the graph of voltage across the capacitor versus time .
Vcc=9V, R=1KΩ and C=1000µF
Let us first calculate the value of rc.
=1 second
Putting the value of RC and t in equation (A) we get
Thus the voltage gained by the capacitor in 1 second is equal to 63% of Vcc.
Circuit Explaination
Charge the 100µF capacitor
Insert the wires attached to the meter probes in parallel with the series combination of LED and R. To do this, the red and black wires of the meter are connected to the left leg of R and the negative terminal of the LED.
Connect the charged capacitor in parallel with the series combination of the LED and the resistor in such a way that its positive terminal is connected to the end of the resistor to which the red probe is connected and its negative terminal is connected to the negative terminal of the LED.
1) The meter will show a continuously decreasing voltage reading. The reading becomes steady after sometime.
2) The LED glows and then slowly fades out.
3) The rate of decrease of voltage reading is initially fast but subsequently slows down with time.