Thursday, 14 April 2016

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem

1) In a linear bi-lateral network maximum power transfer theorem states that the maximum power will be transferred from source to load. When load resistance is equal to internal resistance in a D.C circuit.
2) The circuit connection are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
3) The value of Rh1 the voltage across the current following through the load resistance to Rh2 is measured.
4) The value of Rh2 is varied and the reading of ammeter and voltmeter are noted.
5) Now change the value of Rh1 and for various of Rh2 the ammeter and voltmeter reading are noted.
6) For every value of Rh1 the power consumed by load resistance is calculated.
7) A plot is made between power consumed and value of load resistor .

Equipment used
 Power Supply (12V / 9V) D.C  × 1 No.
D.C Voltmeter (0 - 15V)             × 1No.
D.C Ammeter (0 - 5 amp)          × 1 No.
Variable resistor (0 - 1k)           × 1 No.

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